Aftercare Tips For Retina Surgery

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For many people, the period after retina surgery is the most frightening. While you're at the hospital or surgical center, you're under the watchful eye and care of a trained team of professionals, but when you're home – it's all on you. Much of this fear can be eliminated with knowledge as to how to care for yourself or loved one once they return home. Here are some key points that can help calm your fears.  


After the operation and the anesthetics wear off, some level of discomfort should be expected. For most people, this includes tenderness around the eye and inflammation. Generally, resting, taking your prescribed medication or an over-the-counter option will be sufficient to provide you with comfort. Remember that your own pain tolerance level will play a part in what you experience. This will cause different people to have different experiences so keep this in mind.

Eye Protection

Make sure you are keeping your eye protected. This is one of the most critical parts of the aftercare process. In the period after the surgery, there is an increased risk of injury to your eye and an increased risk for infection. Keeping the eye covered with an eye shield can help protect you. The physician who performs your surgery will likely show you how to apply and remove the shield, should you need to clean the area.


Make sure you have plans for plenty of rest after your surgery. Not only do you want to take it easy in terms of physical activity, but you also want to be watchful of how you use your eyes. For example, even something as simple as watching television can create issues. When you stare at a television, you may not be aware of just how many muscles you're using, which can cause eye strain and even hinder the effects of the retina surgery. Let your body and your eyes rest for the best outcome.

Warning Signs

An important part of the aftercare process is being able to recognize the signs that indicate something is wrong. One of these signs is pain and swelling that seems to get worse, instead of getting better. If you notice any discoloration around your eye, this could also be an indication that something is wrong. Whenever you are experiencing this type of issue, speaking with your provider promptly is best.  

In the event you have any questions, it's always important to contact your physician. Your provider will understand your specific needs and help you determine what you need to do to protect your health. You can also contact companies like Coastal Eye Group, PC.
